Lockdown in Luzon

I woke on Tuesday morning in a bit of a panic. Or rather I woke up on the sofa at 0213 in a bit of a panic. I had been sleeping on the sofa because it has been a particularly windy week and the vee berth being at the very front of the boat is…

Living Low-Impact on a Boat

If you have been reading for a while, then you probably noticed that we try hard to live in a way fosters sustainability and that is low-impact to the world around us. A big part of this comes about by the small, everyday decisions that we make. Whether it is choosing reusable shopping bags over…

Pseudo-Single Handing & Cooking for One

Steve is away earning beer coupons, so we can keep doing this sailing thing. If you’ve been here for a while you know this is a kind-of-regular occurrence. By that I mean he spends 8-12 weeks of the year away working, just not necessarily on any regular or predictable schedule. This time however, it was…

Looking Forward: Looking Back

It might seem like I am a little late to the party with this one, I mean aren’t you supposed to reflect about the previous year as soon as the new year dawns? The thing is I have never been very good at following trends. I don’t necessarily think that I march to the beat…