When we returned to Kate in June last year I was filled with hopeful excitement. After two very difficult years being separated by the world’s problems, and many more months away from the boat after being reunited, we were ready to get on our way. But, like all good plans made in the past few years, the universe had an alternate plan for us. One that we didn’t see coming. One that, despite our rather rude objections at times, was destined to play out. Steve and I quickly realized that there was no alternative but to buckle down, soldier through, and make the best of all the obstacles that we encountered.
So, after several equipment failures and expensive replacements, a complete rebuild of the cylinder head, an engine oil incident that turned the galley into an interactive Jackson Pollock painting, 5 weeks of rain that delayed applying the bottom paint, a couple of typhoon threats, a very shitty first passage, a contaminated diesel tank that required dumping 80L of fuel, delivery delays on parts, and both of us getting sick over the holiday season, we were finally….finally on our way.

There have been a few other little hiccups but 2024 seems to be cooperating.
Which is why it’s taken me 6 weeks to get around to one of my New Years resolutions – start writing here regularly. Life on board has started to feel normal again (yes, I realize that this life may not seem ‘normal’ to most, but after 15 years this is our normal.) I have been reticent to spend too much time in front of the screen, opting to soak up every moment, fingers crossed that the good times will last.
We’ve been sailing (finally favourable winds!), and exploring, and enjoying the western islands in Palawan province here in the Philippines. The weather has been breezy at times but sunny. We’ve had some amazing sunsets and night time temps for much of January and February have been cool enough to put a sheet on the bunk and to wear long sleeves in the cockpit for evening beers. It is a welcome change to the hot, sweaty temps in the yard.

Away from the main island of Luzon where we were stuck in the boatyard, the water has finally been clean enough to go swimming. Much to my delight we’ve found some great snorkelling spots with plenty of healthy coral, sea fans, giant barrel sponges, and fish. There have been a couple of busy anchorages, but we’ve also found places to throw the hook away from the gangs of barking dogs, ear-splitting karoke, and other boats.
We’ve gotten back into the routine of being away from the conveniences of a corner shop or fresh market, of regular laundry runs, of having to go ashore to find internet. Back into the mindset of make do with what we have or find a way around it. It’s been trying at times, but exciting and very rewarding as well. As I wrote in a recent Instagram post, it feels like it did when we were first started out. Since there have been various stops and starts over the years, I guess it’s like we are beginning again….again.
My hopes are to get back to more regular post here as we continue sailing towards Borneo and mainland Malaysia. I have also gotten back to writing professionally and have some articles slated for publication soon, so I will be sure to post links and round-ups for those as they appear. You can also find us on Instagram @yachtkate, where I post my weekly Galley Views, as well as other photos of our adventures.

As always, thanks for reading. Especially thanks to those who have stuck with us an cheered us on over the past few years. It is heart-warming to know someone is out there on the other side of the screen.
Thank you my clock is running out been envious happiness suits
Walter Mitty
Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. We read them all. We are both retired and living on the land in Denton, Texas. Your posts help us see the world through your eyes.
Have fun, be careful.