Galley Notes: Tips for a Greener Galley

I spend a lot of time in the galley. Not because I have to, Steve loves to cook and is very good at it. Simply because it is my happy place. The methodical and repetitive actions of slicing, dicing, stirring and kneading are calming. The fact that I must pay attention to the task at…

Plastic Free July On a Boat

Long before movements like ‘Plastic Free July‘ and ‘Zero Waste‘ hit their stride we were been mindful of how much waste we produce on board. Perhaps this is because we live a little closer to our garbage than most people. There is no opportunity to leave trash out on the curb for the garbage man…

Pressure Cookers; A Galley Essential?

Almost everyone will tell you that a pressure cooker is a ‘must have’  in your galley, but is it really?  Sure they are economical, a great way to save time and very trendy right now but like any cooking technique pressure cooking does have it’s limitations. This month in my Blue Water Sailing column I…

Holidays Onboard

This month in my Blue Water Sailing Column, Heather Francis Onboard, talk to several sailing families about how they celebrate holidays onboard. Check out the December Issue on news stands or today! Celebrate the holidays this year with subscription for hour favourite sailor and never miss a story! Love, H&S