Reading Round Up/date

It is only recently that I have felt the tickle at the back of my brain asking me to write something for this space. But, like the faint, annoying tingle before a sneeze, if I turn my head away from the screen, the feeling subsides. And it has, again and again, over the past year….

Reading Roundup for a Tropical Depression

I woke up yesterday to a tropical depression.  Funny, I thought to myself, that’s what most of June felt like. Or was that May? Regardless, it was actually referring to the weather, not my mental health. (Which, before you start worrying, has been fine.) But what that TD means is that the hagabat, or monsoon,…

Sustainable Sailing – My New Column

I am very happy to announce that I am now writing regularly for SisterShip Magazine! The first edition of my new column, Sustainable Sailing, was published in April and will appear in each following bi-monthly issue of the magazine. As a treat the digital April issue is available for FREE!!! Please feel free to share…

Women’s Health for Women’s Day

I know that I mentioned these articles in my Reading Roundup last month but seeing as they were listed at the very end I wondered if, perhaps, some readers didn’t quite see them. And, as it is International Women’s Day I figured why not give them the spotlight that they deserve. Last year I wrote…

Reading Roundup 2019

As you read in the last post I took a bit of a break from life online during 2019. But, just because I wasn’t writing on the blog doesn’t mean that I wasn’t writing. I had a very productive year and had several articles published, one of which I am particularly proud of. So, here…