It is only recently that I have felt the tickle at the back of my brain asking me to write something for this space. But, like the faint, annoying tingle before a sneeze, if I turn my head away from the screen, the feeling subsides. And it has, again and again, over the past year….
Tag: Travel Writing
Solomon’s Article Wins Best in Travel & Destination
I am proud to announce that my article about our time in the Solomon Islands, “Patience of Solomon’s,” has taken first prize in the Boat Writers International Annual Writing Contest! Judge Carol Pierini said, “Patience of Solomon’s presents a well-documented overview of the Soloman Islands, complete with extensive details for each port. From introduction to…
Holiday Reading Roundup: Super Typhoons, Safety Gear and Spots to Slip the Boat
It starting to look a yacht like Christmas! The weather report is looking a little wet for the 24th & 25th ’round these parts. Which means we might have ample time to curl up under the Christmas lights and catch up on our reading. In case you are in the same predicament here are a…
Boat Writers International Writing Contest 2018 Winner: Boating Travel & Destination
Exciting news! This arrived in the mail this week!! It seems appropriate that my submission was an article about Vanuatu, a place I have described as my “unicorn of the South Pacific”, as I had to wait 8 long years before we finally sailed into Port Villa Harbour. The wait, however, was certainly worth it….