A few months ago I had some fleeting doubts about whether the sailing life was still for me. After 10 years did I still enjoy living on a boat, sailing the world? We were stuck in the boatyard doldrums so I knew not to pay such passing worries much attention. However, when the subject popped…
How to Repair Your Boat…Conversation
Boat owners have a habit of talking about boat repairs. Which would be fine, except that boat ownership often entails an ongoing string of breakages and repairs. Ask a question like, “How are you today?” and 90% of boat owners will tell you all about how they have been trying, probably frustratingly, to fix something….
Hidden Haul Outs In the South Pacific
It seems appropriate that as we FINALLY leave the boatyard here in the Philippines a round-up of yards that we have used and discovered on our travels through the South Pacific is published in Cruising World Magazine. If you are looking for a place to do work, hide during cyclone season or store the boat…
Mod Cons We Live Without
Part of the reason I tagged along with Steve during his last work contract was that shore side accommodation was provided, AKA: I had a free place to sleep. We spent 7 weeks living in an apartment right in the heart of the city, surrounded by high rises and busy construction sites – I watched…
Galley Notes: Gluten Free, 3 Ingredient Banana Pancakes
Over the years we have had the opportunity to taste a large variety of bananas; stumpy starchy bananas, almost square ones, bananas that are not ripe until they turn brown, tiny sweet ones, red ones, green ones, bananas that are flecked orange in the centre. Just before we left the Philippines banana season was in full swing….
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Leaving Your Boat on the Hard
The first time we left Kate on the hard I remember reaching across the back seat of the taxi as we pulled away, searching for Steve’s reassuring hand. My eyes welled with tears and I heaved a heavy sigh as he told me over and over that the boat would be ok without us. 30…
Before the Tide Turns, a Boatyard Update
“Cruising is just making boat repairs in exotic locations.” This is a popular saying in the sailing community, but one which we have never adhered to. (And, don’t even get me started on my dislike of the term “cruising.”) Yes, travelling and living on a boat dictates that maintenance and repairs will have to be…
All the Single (hander) Ladies; An Interview with Nike Steiger in Cruising World
A few months after we set sail back in 2009 Steve got a job offer. It wasn’t in the plans to leave me alone afloat but after A LOT of consideration and debate we accepted. I was (mostly) comfortable being by myself, the boat was secure and we had some great neighbours that I could…
Galley Notes: Tips for a Greener Galley
I spend a lot of time in the galley. Not because I have to, Steve loves to cook and is very good at it. Simply because it is my happy place. The methodical and repetitive actions of slicing, dicing, stirring and kneading are calming. The fact that I must pay attention to the task at…
Plastic Free July On a Boat
Long before movements like ‘Plastic Free July‘ and ‘Zero Waste‘ hit their stride we were been mindful of how much waste we produce on board. Perhaps this is because we live a little closer to our garbage than most people. There is no opportunity to leave trash out on the curb for the garbage man…