Reading Round Up; Recently Published Articles

Steve is home, and as always has brought me a few treats. This time he presented me with a stack of out-of-date magazines! To you that might not seem so exciting, out-of-date and all, but when magazines are like unicorns, you don’t really care if they are a few months old.

Yes, I do keep (somewhat) up to date online but there is nothing like curling up in the cockpit with a real mag, being able to turn the pages and feel like you are actually “in touch” with the world. Which got me thinking that it would be a good time to share with you a few articles of mine that have been published recently.

Getting ready to give your friends or family a much needed break from the cold, northern winter?

Welcome Onboard HF-02.jpeg
Our dear friend Darren came to visit us in the Solomon Islands

I wrote a great piece about how to prepare you, the boat and your guests to ensure everyone has a safe, relaxing and trouble-free time on vacation. Cruising Helmsman published the article in the February issue. For all those of you not in Australia you can read the article through the magic of the internet!

Sometimes we sailors get an unexpected holiday ourselves.

As was the case one weekend in April when we arrived at the island of Malapascua, just off the coast of Cebu in the Philippines.

Beach full of bangkas, Heather Francis-02.jpeg

Unbeknownst to us it was FIESTA!, and our one night stop over turned into a great weekend eating, drinking and being merry with the locals. Active Boating & Watersports Philippines published my account of our chance arrival in the March issue. Anyone in the Philippines can pick up a free copy of the magazine at a local resort or marina. For those of you not on one of the 7107 islands you can read the whole magazine HERE.

Have you heard of Markus Pukonen and his motor-less journey around the planet called Routes of Change?

Sailing solo away from Hawaii.

We met Markus, a fellow Canadian, a few years ago when we shared an anchorage in Palau, Micronesia. I quickly discovered he was no average solo sailor. In fact sailing is just one of the many motor-less modes of transportation he has used since leaving Toronto a little over 3 years ago. He has also pogo-sticked, biked, Sup’d, kayaked, hiked and skied, just to name a few.

I interviewed Markus for the Australian travel magazine Get Lost. They have yet to post the article that was published back in October on their website but HERE is the pdf of the story. I hope it inspires you, and don’t forget to check out and support Markus, he still has a ways to go to complete his mission.

Speaking of Palau.

RBYC Anchorage, Koror, Photo Credit James Todd, SV Cardea-02.jpeg
RBYC Anchorage, Koror, Photo Credit James Todd, SV Cardea

I am happy to announce that my destination article that ran in the October issue of Cruising World Magazine recent received an Honourable Mention in the Boat Writers International Annual Writing Competition. You can read all the winning stories across the 16 categories on their website, and here’s my story on Palau, in case you missed it

And for all you cooks who are interested in canning preserves on board but don’t quite know were to start.

Preserving On board
Preserving On board

I wrote a great How To article about the basics of preserving on board for Cruising World last fall and it includes my super delish recipe for Mango Chutney.  Don’t miss it!

Have you read anything lately that I should know about? Send along a link in the comments.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. David Constantine says:

    Hi Kate, happy to read your latest blog. I spent some time looking a some of your earlier posts and cruising notes. I was interested to see the ariel photo of the Palau anchorage credited to Jim Todd. We we based in Port Carmen with Jim for a year,perhaps more and became great friends and cruised in company a few times. We swapped emails only the other day!
    We hope you are still safe a well in the good hands at Papaya boatyard,where we too were ashore for 6 months and had such great help and courtesy.
    Our very best wishes,,Dave and Mel—Trawler “Night Owl’
    PS. Like you Mel and I are ‘forced apart’ as she is still in. Philippines and I am in UK,,boat in Turkey!!

    1. Heather Francis says:

      Hello David, Nice to (kinda) met you. I am not a drone photographer (nor want to be) but some of the overviews from them are pretty stunning. He took some of me paddleboarding in the Rock Islands, a nice memory. I do believe Jim is current stranded back in Palau. Seems alot of boaters are separated, but usually not from partner AND vessel! Perhaps we’ll share an anchorage someday. Thanks for reading and dropping note. Stay well, Heather

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