Boat Writers International Writing Contest 2018 Winner: Boating Travel & Destination

Exciting news! This arrived in the mail this week!!

It seems appropriate that my submission was an article about Vanuatu, a place I have described as my “unicorn of the South Pacific”, as I had to wait 8 long years before we finally sailed into Port Villa Harbour. The wait, however, was certainly worth it. Vanuatu, and it’s people, captured our hearts.

Published in Cruising Helmsman, Black Sands, Black Magic; Vanuatu by Sail was described by judge Gary Beckett as, “A compelling, detailed and at times riveting first-hand account of the writer’s adventures cruising waters of the Vanuatu Islands chain.”

You can find the complete listing of winners for all 17 categories in the Boat Writers International Writing competition HERE.  (You’ll also find me under Seamanship, Rescue & Safety, Merit Award.)

And you can read my winning article Black Sands and Black Magic, Vanuatu by Sail  here.




7 Comments Add yours

  1. Maureen Backhouse says:

    Congratulations Heather! Way to go! Proud of you! One of these days I’m going to write you ok? We’re happy for you! Maureen and Doug

    1. yachtkate says:

      Thanks guys! Hope the boat is almost ready and you’ve got sailing plans soon. Looking forward to the email!

  2. Em says:

    Incredible piece! Love how it came together – I agree with the judges. Honoured to have read some snippets of it in your journey of writing it,Congratulations!

    1. yachtkate says:

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Lindsay says:

    Congrats! That’s amazing.

  4. silvio pupo says:

    felicidades!!! long time don’t see .. hope you very well ., you dad and brother give you inf… besos

    1. Heather Francis says:

      Hello Silvio, thanks for dropping by! All is well here, I hope things are good with you too. All the best, H

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